February 15, 2025


Fashion for me

Fashion Crossroads teams up with Dandelion Leadership Coaching to host fundraiser fashion show

CASPER, Wyo. (Wyoming News Now) – Fashion Crossroad has teamed up with a local author to host a fundraiser fashion show on Dec. 18.

“I thought it would be fun to do some kind of a book launch and asked Kyleen if she’d be willing to do a style show where we showcased business casual, business professional, and business formal clothing, and explained what those are, and gave examples of how to do that, and so that’s what we’re doing,” said author Dr. Guyla Greenly.

The advice on how to dress for business comes from Dr. Greenly’s book that will be published in early 2022, “Knock it Off! How to Quit Being A Jerk @ Work.” The book covers a range of topics related to getting and keeping a job. The fashion show highlights Chapter 4, which focuses on personal appearance.

“Things don’t have to be expensive. Take pride in how you look, when you feel good about yourself, I feel like you do a better job in our work environment,” said Greenly.

Attendees of the fashion show will receive an early look at Chapter 4, copies of the chapter will be included in gift bags ticket holders will be given after the event.

Seven models will showcase two outfits each, highlighting a range of businesswear at varying price levels. The models got to help choose their outfits for the show, the selections all come from Fashion Crossroads or FC Outlet.

Five of the women modeling in the show are part of the Wyoming Rescue Mission Discipleship Program. Profits from the fashion show will be donated to the program.

“It was like no, let’s have them model, they would love that. It was really one of those things that came together, it was great,” said Fashion Crossroads Owner Kyleen Stevenson-Braxton.

Tickets for the event can be bought at Fashion Crossroads or FC Outlet. The show will be at Fashion Crossroads at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 18.

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