Looking ahead to 2023 – What will be your new creative adventure? — Beadaholique

It’s almost December 1st and the holidays feel like they are in full swing! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I know I am looking forward to all the upcoming Christmas festivities. I am also really looking forward to 2023 and have been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do in 2023 creatively. I think my new focus will be embroidery, it’s something that I know how to do but not something that I have really explored and dived into. I have done a lot of traditional bead embroidery but I have always wanted to make myself an embroidery sampler and learn how to make little embroidered animals and flowers. Jumping from beading (and bead embroidery) to fiber embroidery seems like a natural choice since they use so many of the same tools and ingredients – needles, thread, seed beads as accents, ultra-suede, bezel settings, and so on. There is a whole world out there of embroidered jewelry and I can’t wait to explore it!

Here are some great supplies for embroidery:
Bezels – these make excellent settings that you can set your embroidery down into and make it into wearable art.

What will be your next creative endeavor? Have you been thinking about it and making some plans? Several years back I made it my goal to learn how create wrap-it style bracelets and another year it was chain maille. I love picking a theme and then learning all I can about it. Post in the comments your ideas for what to make in 2023!