Jacinta Emms: 3 fashion resolutions you must make
Each January New Year resolutions arise, presenting themselves like the ghost of Christmas past; this year I will learn to surf, drink less wine and drink more water, go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, get into the garden, paint the fence, work-life balance and exercise, of course, is never one to miss an opportunity to jump on the list of resolutions.
Every year all the usual suspects line up ready to remind us that we have the power to change it all on the January 1, well maybe not the get up early one …
But what about fashion resolutions?
February is for fashion resolutions because fashion resolutions are fashionably late, fashion resolutions are considerate, they wait, giving you the time to get all your other matters in order so you are free to focus on finer things.
Now fashion resolutions aren’t entirely about the new wardrobe you see yourself in, yes visualising your new look for the year is refreshing but three things need to be on that list.

Granny knickers be gone! Picture: Patrick Kool
Fashion Resolution #1 Better undies
I’m not sure this needs elaboration, though it needs to be number one on the list of resolutions.
This year say no to scratching straps, breast crushing cups and wedgies, there is no time for wedged or wicked underwear in 2021, nor is there any room for granny knickers, granny knickers be gone.
Take yourself to an underwear specialist if need be and get fitted properly bra and buns. Underwear that works for you will do wonders for your outfit.
Need nude? No? Yes, you do, no one wants to see your knickers through your outfit!
Find all the nude in all the styles you need and get them into your undie draw immediately. For the record nude does not equal nanna, there are plenty of nice nudes for you to choose.

Care for your hair. Picture: Dmitry Vechorko
Fashion Resolution #2 Care for your hair
A bad haircut, unwashed locks or dodgy do’s will quickly undress all your hard work in the style department, this is right on par with not so nice knickers, and utterly unimaginable would be the combination of both.
Find a great hairdresser even if it’s just for tips for how to work with your current hair. Hairdressers are not just for cuts and colour, a good hairstylist understands every hair on your head and will change your life with the knowledge they pass on to you.
Make an appointment today.

Say no to hobbling heels. Picture: Zuzana Ancksohsy
Fashion Resolution #3 Horrendous heels
Equally as troublesome as undesirable undergarments and haphazard hair is too high heels. Make it your resolution to find the right height for your hoof, some women are perfectly comfortable walking in heels over 10cm where others prefer a less sky-scraping style.
Things are not going well if the wiggle of your walk has you already looking tiddles before taking a sip from your sangria.
Try different heel styles, there are so many to choose from, so you shouldn’t have any issues finding the right heel for you and practice in them for goodness sake.
Jacinta Emms is a Sunshine Coast-based jewellery designer and stylist. Find her at jacintaemms.com or @jacintaemms