February 13, 2025


Fashion for me

Building a cohesive brand identity as a jeweller — Jewellers Academy

Building a cohesive brand identity as a jeweller — Jewellers Academy

Building a cohesive brand identity as a jeweller — Jewellers Academy

For me it’s about really understanding what you’re trying to say with your jewellery. When you know who you’d like to be your ideal customer you can tailor everything you do and put out there to them.


Keeping your ideal customer top of mind with everything you do will mean your emails, packaging, photography and designs all make sense together.  


Cohesion might take time, but that’s the fun of it. I remember being told that no one is taking as much notice of you as you are. What might feel like a big design or direction change to you will barely register with other people. I like to keep that in mind when changing anything up and it all feels less daunting.

I think branding says everything about a business. When branding is right, it’s reassuring to customers that you take what you do seriously. Getting your branding right requires a time and often financial investment, it signals to customers that they can trust you.


Good branding communicates what you’re about without having to say it in person. Things as small as an email, Pinterest post or jewellery pouch all build a little world around your jewellery, when it’s done right it sings to your ideal customers and makes them really want what you do.

The Way Back Machine is a great website that lets you look back at previous versions of websites, you can get very granular in understanding how other brands have changed their branding over the years. https://archive.org/web


Fiona Humberstone, The Brand Stylist is a fantastic resource for understanding branding and how colour works. She’s published two great books and she’s an absolute font of knowledge.


Studio Cotton are a Bristol based website design studio @studio.cotton. Aime shares so many juicy tips on her Instagram especially during her Thursday Question Time on her Stories and also runs in person and online sessions on all things websites. I’ve learnt a huge amount from what she generously shares for free, I recommend here to anyone who will listen!

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